Jet Force Gemini Wiki
Jet Force Gemini Wiki

Mizar is the primary antagonist of Jet Force Gemini and the evil overlord commander of the Drone armies.

Role in Plot[]

The following contains spoilers, read at your own risk.

Mizar sees himself as an egotistical warlord, with a hunger for power and revenge. His brutal forces greatly overwhelmed almost the entire Jet Force. With the main resistance forces taken care of, Mizar began to settle in his new rule and made himself at home at his private palace while his Drone minions spread his misery and shadow across the galaxy to secure and enslave innocent tribals to fuel his interests and trade agreements (although he prefers a much larger share versus his trade partners).

What he didn't expect was the fact that Gemini had escaped his wrath and managed to regroup and start loosening planets from his annexation and when the team finally reached his personal lair, Mizar laughed at the boldness of their canine friend and decided to toy with him.

However, his ego and massive underestimation stung him back when Lupus defeated him flawlessly. But Mizar wasn't having enough of it and, realizing that almost his entire drone army had been wiped out, hijacks a passing asteroid and sets a suicidal course for Earth in a bid to annihilate the human race.

With the help of the Tribals, the team finally catches up with the speeding asteroid and Juno faces the angry mastermind for the final time. He wouldn't go easy and unleashed all of his might on the human. His brutality cost him his life when Juno exploited his weaknesses and put him down for good.

It turned out to be a huge exoskeleton, piloted by King Jeff's jealous brother Barry, who sought to overthrow him, with his maniacal plan to take over the universe. King Jeff took his Tribal brother to justice while the asteroid was destroyed entirely by the selfless sacrifice of Floyd.


Juno and Mizar battle for Goldwood.


Mizar has a very advanced intelligence and a fully developed scientific knowledge to boot. Mizar was shown to be a good mechanical scientist whereas he built his Drone army, including his military bases and the bosses of the game.


  • Mizar is one of the most well known villains in any of Rare's games. The others villains are: King K. Rool (From Donkey Kong), Gruntilda (From Banjo-Kazooie) and Panther King (From Conker's Bad Fur Day).
  • Mizar has similarities with Emperor Palpatine from the Star Wars series in that both command an empire and seek to dominate an entire galaxy.

