Jet Force Gemini Wiki
Jet Force Gemini Wiki

Tribals are the white bear-like creatures that inhabit Goldwood and Tawfret.

They were a peace-loving, hard working race until Mizar, and his Drone army invaded their planets and pressed them into hard labour or imprisonment.

It was paramount that every Tribal is to be rescued and was essential that Gemini rescue every tribal in the game before they may proceed to the final stages of the game. Any tribal killed must have the player restart the entire encounter to rescue them all.

Some Tribals may be placed deliberately, in potential line of fire from both sides, often resulting in stray fire killing tribals unintentionally. However some drones do try and take them out, before the player could rescue them.

The Goldwood Colony[]

Most of the Tribals resided on Goldwood, living peaceful lives in neighbouring villages. Shortly after Jet Force Gemini escaped the fate of their colleagues, their ship received an unknown distress signal from the colony. The video message displayed footage of the Goldwood Colony coming under hostile attack from Mizar's Insect Drones. Upon Arriving, Juno sought out the tribe's King Jeff who asked that he rescue as many tribals as possible. Jeff then used his magical powers to conjure a vision of the invasion. Whilst many tribals were abducted and taken to neighbouring planets, others remained behind, either in hiding or under enslavement.

The Tawfret Colony[]

Tawfret may have served as a sub-colony of Goldwood as findings on the surface suggest that there were less Tribal establishments. Originally it was a peaceful and a thriving natural environment for the natives to live in. However, just as the invasion of Goldwood was taking place, King Jeff arrived on Tawfret, only to find Mizar's raiders had already secured most of the population. Enraged beyond his own control, Jeff unleashed his magical powers on a group of Drones who were occupying a local village with disastrous results. Whilst the invasion was halted due to Jeff transitioning the insects into hideous mutilations immune to standard gunfire, a tree growing on Tawfret was also unintentionally struck. This resulted in the planetary environment being completely destroyed, giving Tawfret a heavy rain fall, no sunlight and an aimless army of zombie drones wandering its surface. The Tawfret Colony scattered, seeking shelter in the ruins of their local church and village. Others were held hostage at Tawfret Castle where Mizar had stationed Fet-Bubb. A giant black insect to act as a stronghold, ensuring control of the planet and its Tribals.
